Async and Await in C# vs Rust

September 16, 2021—Why Rust futures are better because they are polled

Both Rust and C# support asynchronous methods and awaitable expressions.

However, in C# you have to allocate things on the heap and perform dynamic dispatch when you compose awaitable expressions. Using the heap puts pressure on the garbage collector which slows things down, and dynamic dispatch is opaque to the compiler and puts pressure on the JIT engine which slows things down.

Rust doesn’t have these problems. Instead, async/await is a zero-cost abstraction. It’s even possible to use async/await in [no_std] (a heapless environment).

I’m going to explain how async/await works in both languages, then show how the fact that Rust’s Future trait is polled means Rust doesn’t have to allocate on the heap or perform dynamic dispatch when you compose awaitable expressions in Rust. I also hope to clear up a common misunderstanding about the nature of polling the futures in Rust (no, polling doesn’t make them slow or inefficient).

I think explaining why or how to use async/await is out of the scope of this article. In fact, if you aren’t totally comfortable using async/await then this article might not be for you. But if you love it and want to learn a little more about why Rust’s polled futures are great then keep reading.

It’s surprising, but polled futures are better!


Warning: Probably none of the code in this article compiles or works. It was written off the cuff and should only be taken for inspiration.

First, let’s take a look at some example async code in both languages.

In C# you can do this:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

static class Program
    static void Main()
        var task = RunAsync(); // Immediately prints "Just a second..."
        task.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); // Blocks as it delays for one second then prints "Ok!"

    static async Task RunAsync()
        Console.WriteLine("Just a second...");
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

And in Rust you can write this:

use async_std::task;
use futures::executor::block_on;
use std::time::Duration;

async fn run() {
    println!("Just a second...");

fn main() {
    let future = run(); // Doesn't print anything
    block_on(future); // Blocks as it prints "Just a second...", delays for one second, and then prints "Ok!"

Both programs will output “Just a second…”, then nothing will happen for one second, then they’ll both output “Ok!”.

The asynchronous methods in both languages are marked by the async keyword:

static async Task RunAsync()
//     ^^^^^
   async fn run()
// ^^^^^

And the awaitable expressions in both languages involve the await keyword:

   await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
//       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression
// ^^^^^ keyword
//                                     ^^^^^^ keyword
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expression

Functionally, C#’s tasks are pretty similar to Rust’s futures. They’re both pretty ergonomic, and they both bring all the benefits of async/await code.

You’ll notice that one difference is that a C# task automatically starts as soon as you create it, and it runs itself, but a future in Rust is inert and has to be ushered along by something else.

Rust’s futures have to be polled.

What?! Yes you heard right. Polled.

But that’s a good thing. To understand why, we need to do a deep dive into C#.

Deep dive—C#

Let’s turn our attention to C#. I’ll explain how things work in C# and then show why heap allocations and dynamic dispatch are inevitable.

How the await keyword works

C#’s compiler automatically transforms async methods into a state machine. And within an async method you can await awaitable expressions.

For example, when you execute this RunAsync() method:

async Task RunAsync()
  int value = await GetValueAsync();
  if (value % 2 == 0)
    await DoEvenThingAsync();
    object oddResult = await DoOddThingAsync();

…then you’re actually executing something like this monstrosity that the compiler automatically generated for you:

Task RunAsync()
  int value;
  object oddResult;
  var stateMachine = new StateMachine(
    (int step) =>
      switch (step)
        case 0:
          var awaitable = GetValueAsync();
          var awaiter = awaitable.GetAwaiter();
          if (awaiter.IsCompleted)
            value = awaiter.GetResult();
            awaiter.OnCompleted(x =>
              value = x;
        case 1:
          if (value % 2 == 0)
            var awaitable = DoEvenThingsAsync();
            var awaiter = awaitable.GetAwaiter();
            if (awaiter.IsCompleted)
              awaiter.OnCompleted(() => stateMachine.RunStep(2));
            var awaitable = DoOddThingsAsync();
            var awaiter = awaitable.GetAwaiter();
            if (awaiter.IsCompleted)
              oddResult = awaiter.GetResult();
              awaiter.OnCompleted(x =>
                oddResult = x;
        case 2:
        case 3:
  return stateMachine.ToTask();

Of course the above is just inspirational pseudocode. But can you trace through it and see how it works?

Please don’t get lost. What I want you to see is if you want to get a value out of a C# awaitable expression, you have to do something like this:

Action<T> handleTheResult = ...;

var awaiter = (expression).GetAwaiter();
if (awaiter.IsCompleted)
  var result = awaiter.GetResult(); // Will return immediately; might throw an exception
  // .GetResult() won't immediately return because the task isn't yet complete
  awaiter.OnCompleted(() =>
    // This code will be executed when the task is completed
    var result = awaiter.GetResult(); // _Now_ it will immediately return (or throw an exception)

…and the compiler automatically does that for you with a state machine when you use the await keyword in an async context.


If you want to learn how to tell C# to build the async state machine in a specific way then take a look at C#’s task type documentation.

If you look at how the Task<T> class’s state machine is constructed then you’ll see that it’s a bit different than my above pseudocode. Among other things, it captures the current SynchronizationContext and ExecutionContext so that continuations can be executed on them.

The fact that SynchronizationContext and ExecutionContext are static state in C# was significant to the Rust language team when they decided how to design their Future trait. Rustaceans don’t like static state. Initial implementations of futures in Rust relied on thread local storage, but that was a dead end because thread local storage isn’t available in [no_std] Rust code.

Okay let’s quit wandering around in these weeds and see if we can make some more progress.

How to create your own awaitable expressions

You don’t have to rely only on Task, ValueTask, or any of the other framework-provided awaitable types. You can create your own awaitable type.

Basically it comes down to implementing this interface on a thing:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

public interface IAwaiter<out T> : INotifyCompletion
    bool IsCompleted { get; }

    T GetResult();

…then returning that thing from your awaitable type’s GetAwaiter() method.

That interface doesn’t exist in the .Net framework. You can create it if you want, but any type that has that signature—implement INotifyCompletion, have a bool IsCompleted property, have a T GetResult() method—will work as an awaiter. And any type that returns an awaiter from a GetAwaiter() method can be awaited.

Like this:

class MyAwaitable<T>
  public MyAwaiter<T> GetAwaiter() => ...;

class MyAwaiter<T> : IAwaiter<T>
  public bool IsCompleted => ...;

  public T GetResult() => ...;

  public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) => ...;

static class Foo
  public static async Task RunAsync()
    Action<T> handleTheResult = ...;
    Awaitable<int> awaitable = ...;
    int result = await awaitable; // You can await it!

Recall from the previous section how the compiler will create a state machine that essentially does this with your awaitable type:

// Almost the same as the RunAsync method above:
Action<int> handleTheResult = ...;
Awaitable<int> awaitable = ...;

var awaiter = awaitable.GetAwaiter();
if (awaiter.IsCompleted)
  var result = awaiter.GetResult(); // Will return immediately; might throw an exception
  // .GetResult() won't immediately return because the task isn't yet complete
  awaiter.OnCompleted(() =>
    // This code will be executed when the task is completed
    var result = awaiter.GetResult(); // _Now_ it will immediately return (or throw an exception)

You should now understand how you need to implement your awaitable type. The awaiter type returned from GetAwaiter() needs to do these things:

  • Return true from IsCompleted when the asynchronous work is completed
  • Accept a continuation/callback passed to the OnCompleted method. This callback should be executed when the asynchronous work is completed. Keep in mind a callback won’t be passed to OnCompleted if IsCompleted returned true when it was checked
  • Synchronously return the result or throw an exception from the GetResult method. Some implementations will choose to make GetResult synchronously block if the asynchronous work isn’t yet complete

The documentation explains how to create an awaitable type that returns nothing/void. Basically, GetResult should return void instead of T. If only C# would let us use void as a generic type parameter!

How to compose awaitable expressions

So how do you compose (as in combine) awaitable expressions? You now have everything you need to answer this question.

As I showed in the “How the await keyword works” section above, the C# compiler transforms code like this:

async Task<T> FooAsync()
  // Synchronous block 1
  var a = GetA();
  var b = GetB(a);

  // await keyword
  var c = await GetCAsync(b);

  // Synchronous block 2
  var d = GetD(c);
  var e = GetE(d);

  // await keyword
  var f = await GetFAsync(e);

  return f;

…into a state machine.

The state machine has one step for each synchronous code block. The steps are wrapped up as continuations/callbacks which get passed to the various awaiters along the way. The awaiters decide when to execute the callbacks.

You can do the same thing by hand if you wish.

So the answer is: in C#, awaitable expressions are composed with callbacks.

Why heap allocations and dynamic dispatch are inevitable when you compose awaitable expressions

You should now see why heap allocations and dynamic dispatch are inevitable in C#’s async/await system: C# awaitable expressions are composed with callbacks. These callbacks have the type Action, which is a delegate.

To package something (e.g. a step in a state machine) up into an Action you have to put something on the heap.

And invoking an Action is dynamic dispatch.

But what about ValueTask?

I can just hear it now. You’re wondering if this applies to ValueTask. After all, Microsoft created ValueTask expressly so that:

nothing need be allocated [in certain cases]: we can simply initialize this ValueTask<TResult> struct with the TResult and return that.

But keep reading. That only applies to the synchronous case, when the result of an asynchronous method is already known and can be returned synchronously.

In other words, when the awaiter’s IsCompleted property returns true then its GetResult method is immediately/synchronously invoked and the result is immediately available. There’s no need to instantiate an Action to pass to its OnCompleted method.

But when the result isn’t available synchronously: heap allocation and dynamic dispatch.

Now, ValueTask has a trick up its sleeve. You can create a ValueTask from an IValueTaskSource. That does help minimize heap allocations in certain cases, but it’s kind of complicated to implement that interface. And I think that implementations necessarily come with compromises.

For example: when you create a ValueTask with an IValueTaskSource then you create it with a token. And that token is only a 16-bit integer. You can only have so many ValueTasks in play at once for a given IValueTaskSource. And how do you know when a ValueTask should be taken out of play and its token recycled? If I have a ValueTask then what’s to keep me from continuing to call valueTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult() on it over and over? There is nothing built into ValueTask or IValueTaskSource to let you know when the token can be recycled. You can only recycle the tokens if you have full control over the ValueTasks that are created with your IValueTaskSource. That limits the usefulness of this trick.

Edit September 29, 2021:

The documentation for ValueTask says:

A ValueTask<TResult> instance may only be awaited once, and consumers may not read Result until the instance has completed. If these limitations are unacceptable, convert the ValueTask<TResult> to a Task<TResult> by calling AsTask.

The following operations should never be performed on a ValueTask<TResult> instance:

  • Awaiting the instance multiple times.
  • Calling AsTask multiple times.
  • Using .Result or .GetAwaiter().GetResult() when the operation hasn’t yet completed, or using them multiple times.
  • Using more than one of these techniques to consume the instance.

If you do any of the above, the results are undefined.

Now, I’m pretty sure these limitations do not apply if you create a ValueTask from a Task. But do you see how even ValueTask has specific limitations?

These limitations necessarily exist because ValueTask is a struct (meaning you use value semantics on it and instances probably live on the stack). It’s very easy to create copies of C# structs—just assign the struct to another variable—but changing the state of one does not change the state of the copies. In C# there must be an Action continuation object, and a reference to it must to be kept somewhere. Perhaps the ideal design would only let there be a single reference so that once the continuation is executed then that single reference can be discarded (which would be the signal that the asynchronous operation has completed). But it’s impossible to do that in C# with structs because of how easy it is to copy structs and because of how disconnected they are once you do; the developer must either have full control of all instances of the struct, or else he must document a contract (like Microsoft has done for ValueTask above) and hope that people stick to it.

And again, at the end of the day, even with ValueTask and all its tricks, if the awaiter returns false from IsCompleted then there is going to be at least one heap allocation and dynamic dispatch.

This is why the Rust language devs say:

We were unable to make the “standard” future abstraction provide zero-cost composition of futures, and we know of no “standard” implementation that does so.

Shallow dive—Rust

Let’s turn our attention to Rust.

I’m less familiar with Rust so I won’t be able to provide as much detail. But I think you’ll still see why Rust futures are better.

How the await keyword works

Actually I don’t entirely know how the await keyword works in Rust. I’m only able to find documentation on what it does.

My best guess is the Rust compiler generates a state machine similar to how the C# compiler does it.

But keep in mind that in Rust, closures are strongly typed, can be statically dispatched, and can live on the stack. So if async blocks are broken up into various steps in a state machine, that state machine and all its steps will be transparent to the compiler. And its steps can be statically dispatched without heap allocations.

However it works, the Rust language devs are clear that async/await is a zero-cost abstraction. So dynamic dispatch and heap allocation are definitely not necessary.

How to create your own awaitable expressions

In Rust it comes down to implementing the Future trait:

pub trait Future {
    type Output;
    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

For example:

struct OneShotTimer {
  bool completed,
  Option<Waker> waker,

impl Future for OneShotTimer {
  type Output = ();

  fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
    match self.completed {
      true => Poll::Ready(()),
      false => {
        self.waker = Some(cx.waker().clone())

impl OneShotTimer {
  pub fn schedule(...) -> Self {
    // Do stuff like wire up the .waker to be notified when the timer goes off


Of course there very well might be heap allocations in scheduling this particular implementation of a timer. But that’s up to you. It’s not forced upon you by the async/await system.

And there are no heap allocations in polling this future. Even when it’s not yet ready nothing needs to be placed on the heap. Sure there is a clone() call in there, but that places something into memory that has already been reserved within the OneShotTimer. This OneShotTimer might happily live on the stack and you could call poll() in a [no_std] environment.

A quick note about what polling is not

You don’t have to always continually poll every single future. Rust’s futures tell you when they’re ready to be polled again. And you know which one told you because either you or your task executor gave it a specific Waker, and you did remember to create that Waker in a way that associates it with the currently executing task, right? So you don’t have to poll all the futures.

Here is what the documentation says:

The poll function is not called repeatedly in a tight loop – instead, it should only be called when the future indicates that it is ready to make progress (by calling wake()). If you’re familiar with the poll(2) or select(2) syscalls on Unix it’s worth noting that futures typically do not suffer the same problems of “all wakeups must poll all events”; they are more like epoll(4).

How to compose awaitable expressions

Here’s an example of joining two futures into a single future that returns the result of both of them only once they’ve completed:

enum FutureOrResult<T : Future> {

struct Joined<A : Future, B : Future>(FutureOrResult<A>, B, Option<Waker>);

impl<A : Future, B : Future> Future for Joined<A, B> {
  type Output = (A::Output, B::Output);

  fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
    match self.0 {
      FutureOrResult::Future(future_a) => match future_a.poll(cx) {
        Poll::Ready(result_a) => match self.1.poll(cx) {
          Poll::Ready(result_b) => {
            self.0 = FutureOrResult::None;
            Poll::Ready((result_a, result_b))
          Poll::Pending => {
            self.0 = FutureOrResult::Result(result_a);
        Poll::Pending => Poll::Pending
      FutureOrResult::Result(result_a) => match self.1.poll(cx) {
        Poll::Ready(result_b) => {
          self.0 = FutureOrResult::None;
          Poll::Ready((result_a, result_b))
        Poll::Pending => {
      FutureOrResult::None => panic!("You called poll too many times")

Maybe there’s a more idiomatic way, I dunno. But do you see any heap allocations anywhere in this composition of two futures?

Do you see how instead of being composed with callbacks and dynamic dispatch, Rust futures are composed with static dispatch?

Why heap allocations and dynamic dispatch are avoidable when you compose futures

It’s redundant to say this again, but the Future::poll() method does not require heap allocation or dynamic dispatch. Instead it can be statically dispatched on things on the stack.

Can async/await in C# be like Rust?

What’s to keep you from implementing your own IFuture interface in C# and making your own async/await framework?

Almost nothing. Here’s an attempt in C# that I think would get most of the way there. But Rust’s ownership and lifetime system is really excellent, and I think this example suffers without it:

public readonly struct Context
  // Include a Waker here

public readonly struct Maybe<T>
    public static readonly Maybe<T> None = default;

    readonly T _value;

    public Maybe(T value)
        HasValue = true;
        _value = value;

    public bool HasValue { get; }

    public T Value => HasValue
        ? _value
        : throw new Exception();

public interface IFuture<T>
    Maybe<T> Poll(in Context context);

public struct Joined<TA, TAFuture, TB, TBFuture> : IFuture<(TA, TB)>
    where TAFuture : IFuture<TA>
    where TBFuture : IFuture<TB>
    bool _hasFutureA;
    TAFuture _futureA;
    TA _valueA;
    bool _hasFutureB;
    TBFuture _futureB;
    TB _valueB;

    public Joined(TAFuture futureA, TBFuture futureB)
        _hasFutureA = true;
        _hasFutureB = true;
        _futureA = futureA;
        _futureB = futureB;
        _valueA = default!;
        _valueB = default!;

    public Maybe<(TA, TB)> Poll(in Context context)
        TA valueA = default!;
        TB valueB = default!;
        var hasBoth = true;

        if (_hasFutureA)
            var pollResult = _futureA.Poll(in context);
            if (pollResult.HasValue)
                valueA = _valueA = pollResult.Value;
                _hasFutureA = false;
                _futureA = default!;
                hasBoth = false;
            valueA = _valueA;

        if (_hasFutureB)
            var pollResult = _futureB.Poll(in context);
            if (pollResult.HasValue)
                valueB = _valueB = pollResult.Value;
                _hasFutureB = false;
                _futureB = default!;
                hasBoth = false;
            valueB = _valueB;

        return hasBoth
            ? new Maybe<(TA, TB)>((valueA, valueB))
            : Maybe<(TA, TB)>.None;

There are neither heap allocations nor dynamic dispatch anywhere in sight.

You would have to be very careful with ownership and lifetimes of these structs, though. I’m sure havoc would ensue the moment you clone a Joined struct and Poll()‘ed both instances.

But if you walked very carefully then I’m sure it could work.

The point

You can compose Rust futures without heap allocations or dynamic dispatch. That’s not true of C#’s tasks (or any other possible awaitable type).

Rust’s heapless composition power comes from the fact that Rust’s futures are polled. Because they are polled they can be composed with static dispatch instead of callbacks.

Polled futures are great!